Cryptocurrency Tracker

Get our free cryptocurrency tracker/screener.
You will need to log in to your Google Account and install our free connector.

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Example Data Studio report using crypto prices from CoinGecko


Get Log events by topic hash(es) <span id="refresh-rate" class="label label-primary label-xsmall" style="vertical-align:super; font-size:x-small; background-color:#0098db;">real-time</span>

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Chain ID of the Blockchain being queried. Currently supports `1` for Ethereum Mainnet, `137` for Polygon/Matic Mainnet, `80001` for Polygon/...

Starting block to define a block range.

Ending block to define a block range. Passing in 'latest' uses the latest block height.


Expand nested data, rename and delete columns

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5

Get a live Google Sheet

Export your data to a google sheet, with the Crypto Coin Tracker Addon, or download to CSV

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